diumenge, 26 de febrer del 2012

Autoavaluació 한국의 집.

Quan ens van proposar el treball a principi de curs, realment vaig sentir molta iniciativa per a fer-lo i poder-ne obtenir un bon resultat. Al ser un tema que tothom, vulgui o no, hi ha pensat almenys una vegada a la vida, era una cosa que teniem més o menys a mà i les nostres idees van començar a sortir ràpidament.
Des de ben petita m'ha agradat la cultura oriental. Recordo anar a comprar i dir-li a la meva mare, mentrestant senyalava una nena xinesa a una foto, que volia ser com ella. Per tant, tenia molt clar que la meva casa no seria pas a un lloc proper. Sempre m'he interessat per Japó, però últimament Corea m'ha cridat l'atenció per el seu interès en l'educació i la seva música i cultura, sumant les facilitats que dóna per a instal·lar-se al país. Llavors, decididament, vaig situar la meva casa ideal a Corea.
A partir d'aqui, vaig començar a fer una pluja d'idees del que m'agradaria que hi fos a dins i a fora, estèticament i el que volia que la casa transmetés. Vaig començar fent la maqueta, i personalment, el resultat final d'aquesta no em va convèncer molt - però donava a entendre el que jo volia que s'entengués, així que em va ser útil.
A les exposicions, trobo que ho vaig explicar prou bé, tot i que mai pots expressar tot el que portes dins en paraules. Trobo que hauria sigut idoni saber fer servir el 'sketchup' per a poder donar més suport al material exposat.
El resultat final em va agradar molt, ja que realment era una casa on jo em veia vivint, a gust i com jo volia. Trobo que el meu procés de treball ha sigut l'adequat i que ha valgut la pena dedicar-li tot el temps que li he dedicat.

dimecres, 22 de febrer del 2012

Entrada per la turbinegeneration.

Would you remember something you tried so hard to forget? Would you remember the sun after is gone, would you remember the air after you don't need it anymore? 

We usually tend to forget things, even if we don't try to forget them. What did you eat two days ago at 9pm? What clothes did you wear last Monday? Do you realise how reality fades? Or maybe it doesn't even fade. No one told us reality exists.

We're not able to remember the first word we said, the last smile we gave or who was the last person we talked to. But, does that really matter? In fact, it didn't to her.

She remembered what she wanted to remember.

She remembered that house. Though she liked to call it home. How the sun raised through the mountains and made strange shadows with weird shades in its walls, how the children’s laugh echoed through the street when it was time for them to get out of school, how she cooked kimchi and everyone in his neighborhood asked her for more, how she could relax on the white sofa in that oriental-occidental styled house and how much she adored it, how she could spend hours painting in the room upstairs when no one was home, how she… felt alive.

She missed those things. A change in your life, and everything you loved is gone. No more sunrises under the sky of Korea. No more shared smiles with that boy who worked in the piano shop. No more happiness.

But there are still those memories that keep you alive, that make you think everything was worth it and those house will always be in your memory. Because, again, she couldn’t forget it, and she never will.

But, would you?

dimarts, 21 de febrer del 2012

Would you?

Amb motiu de tenir que reescriure la història de la casa en anglès, i ja que l'anterior no m'acabava de convèncer, he decidit redactar-ne una de nova.

Would you remember something you tried so hard to forget? Would you remember the sun after is gone, would you remember the air after you don't need it anymore? 

We usually tend to forget things, even if we don't try to forget them. What did you eat two days ago at 9pm? What clothes did you wear last Monday? Do you realise how reality fades? Or maybe it doesn't even fade. No one told us reality exists.

We're not able to remember the first word we said, the last smile we gave or who was the last person we talked to. But, does that really matter? In fact, it didn't to her.

She remembered what she wanted to remember.

She remembered that house. Though she liked to call it home. How the sun raised through the mountains and made strange shadows with weird shades in its walls, how the children’s laugh echoed through the street when it was time for them to get out of school, how she cooked kimchi and everyone in his neighborhood asked her for more, how she could relax on the white sofa in that oriental-occidental styled house and how much she adored it, how she could spend hours painting in the room upstairs when no one was home, how she… felt alive.

She missed those things. A change in your life, and everything you loved is gone. No more sunrises under the sky of Korea. No more shared smiles with that boy who worked in the piano shop. No more happiness.

But there are still those memories that keep you alive, that make you think everything was worth it and those house will always be in your memory. Because, again, she couldn’t forget it, and she never will.

But, would you? 

dimecres, 8 de febrer del 2012

Tacita Dean.

Tacita Dead, a 47 years old visual artist, was born in Canterbury, England. She likes to use different resources to create –drawing, sound, photography- but she’s most known for her work with film.
She studied at the University of Kent – then, she graduated in 1988 at Falouth School of Art. After more studies, she decided to move to London in 1997.
In 2000, Tacita received a chance to go to study to Germany, so she moved to Berlin. Later that year, she was allowed to do an exhibition at the Tate Britain.
She has always been interested in the architecture and the history of Germany, so she always made films taking that as inspiration. She is currently promoting his film ‘Film’ in Tate Modern.